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3 Ways Your Staff Will Save Time With Optify

Updated: Jul 14, 2022

Eye doctors lead busy lives, and there’s no debating that optical staff are equally overloaded. How can you make their lives easier while making sure your practice keeps up with business?

Most optical workers would argue that freeing up their most valuable resource—time—would be a good start. But between placing frame orders, managing prescriptions, helping patients, selling inventory, and simply maintaining the office, there aren’t too many corners to cut.

Every Optician's New Sidekick

Old technology is generally the root of the issue. The optical stores of yesterday are not constructed with optimization in mind, making it nearly impossible to upgrade and save any extra time for your staff or your patients.

To make matters worse, the legacy systems and EHRs your department already heavily relies upon can be a major headache to migrate to modern standards, taking weeks or even months to complete the transition (and that’s assuming no errors were made in the process).

You need a solution structured with this dilemma in mind.

That’s why Optify is every optician’s new sidekick. Optify preserves time for optical workers and patients alike, no matter what system architecture is already in place. Here are just 3 ways opticians save time with Optify.

1. Fast Onboarding

Problem: Adopting new systems isn’t always straightforward. Novel software requires quality training. But unfortunately, quality training doesn’t always come quickly. If you plan to save your optical staff time by migrating to new systems, you might inadvertently make their lives more difficult at the outset. Learning new systems and work habits isn’t just exhausting—it’s time consuming and demands extra hours that your workers might not even have. After all, you’re looking to save their time, not take it away!

Solution: Optify keeps its integration short, sweet, and to the point, with onboarding times usually lasting no longer than one hour. Its systems are easy to pick up and were created with optical teams in mind. The road to a modern optical experience might seem be daunting, but Optify gives your staff everything they need in the most efficient manner possible so they actually save time rather than sacrifice it.

2. Automated Patient Emails

Problem: Upgrading the optical systems you already have in place can be a hassle– to say the least. Bringing your inventory online tends to cost enormous time and effort to ensure prescriptions and patient information seamlessly sync through a patient portal.

Once that’s done, it’s up to your optical team to scan through patient data and market to the correct patients at the correct times. For most practices with thousands of patients logged in their EHRs, handpicking patients and manually drafting emails for them is especially tedious to do.

Solution: Rather than overhaul your core systems to solve the problem, Optify integrates with your EHR to automate not just the migration of health data, but also many daily tasks that your optical staff were previously required to do themselves. Marketing tasks like sending out reminders, keeping mailing lists on schedule, and coordinating with recent patient activity are done without the need for supervision, freeing up even more time for your optical staff to focus on more important work.

3. Pre-Selling and Virtual Try-Ons

Problem: If your optical inventory isn’t accessible over the internet yet, you can be certain your staff will have extra work on their hands. A strong online presence equipped with the right tools will allow patients to browse your selection, preview costs, customize their options, and ultimately come to a buying decision long before they take a single step into your office. Your staff no longer need to “sell” anything because the patient has already been sold—simply by choosing everything online prior to their visit.

Solution: Optify outfits your practice with a strong website that uses the latest optical tools buyers have come to expect, including a sleek storefront, pre-selection, and virtual try-on. These features allow optical staff to effectively skip long discussions with post-exam patients, saving countless hours of face-to-face time in the process.

All things said and done, Optify stands to save your optical staff an average of 15 minutes for every patient your practice sees. For an average practice helping roughly 20 patients each day, that leads to a whopping 5 hours of extra time for your workers during their shift.

Want to give precious time back to the team who takes care of your most profitable department? Book a 15-minute demo with us and see the time saving benefits for yourself.


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